Monday, December 14, 2009

Stigmatized pre-trips experience...

Have been "bothering" me for the past few overseas trips.
Wondering why, but somehow it just happened.

Langkawi trip in Jul 09.
Had diarrhoea 2 days before the trip.

Europe trip in Sep 09.
I had piles!
Was so worried I couldn't withstand the long flights
and train journeys...
But by God's grace, thankfully it was healed just before the day I flew.

Then...I came back with corn on my toe.
I'm still nursing it up till today.
Still hasn't fully healed.
What a pain in the the toe.

Asian Youth Day Nov 09.
I fell sick two days before that also.
And suffering from lack of sleep.
Then luckily, I got slightly better the day before
and was more or less ok on the day of departure.

What is the message?
What are all these "coincidences" about?
Sufferings to bear before I can be duly rewarded.
Chinese saying of "bitter first then sweetness"?
I guess I learnt to be more grateful and
appreciative of the trip and to God.

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