Friday, March 20, 2009

the "buay-tahans"....

Cannot stand pple not keeping to the left on escalators
Always stare at their backs damn hard.
Almost wish i can stare until they vanish into thin air.
Same applies to 2 person walking down a lane
Forming a fortress and not allowing anyone to breach it.

Cannot stand pple not moving to the rear on the bus
Once, an uncle exclaimed in hokkien,
"Are there ghosts at the back?!"
hah, crude and rude but he makes sense

Cannot stand pple rushing into the train to grab a seat
only to alight a couple of stops later

Cannot stand screaming kids and act-blur parents
Cannot stand loud conversations on bus
Cannot stand teens thinking that they're bigger than the whole world
Cannot stand smokers standing 1metre away from bus-stop
and the smoke get blown into my face by the wind
Cannot stand drivers who don't signal
their license should be revoked.

dunno why i'm so full of angst inside me
when i'm in the public nowadays...
is it just me? or is really pple's attitude getting worse?
More self-centered. hai.
Public graciousness?

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