Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mid-year crisis

Clock is ticking faster and faster 
Oh my goodness is June already
"Half a year has gone!" exclaimed many
How well have I lead my life? 
How have I tried to love in truth and charity?
How hard have I tried to repent and make straight thy path?
How much have I love You and allowing You to love me?
The "How"s and "what"s can make a list as long as the Nile River
And we swim down our river of Life with much anxiety, apprehensions & adventure. 
At times we hit the rapids, sometimes we sail peacefully
before long the speed picks up and down you plunge from the waterfall
surfacing again we move through bends, joined with other "lives" and at times split into other courses. 
Sometimes we hide in the darkness, sometimes we bask under the sunlight
A journey we can't see where's our end unless we see through His eyes from above
How I long to stop for a while, long enough, to be joined with Him again
drawing life and drinking from the wells of living water again
To nourish, to purify, to cleanse, to take stock.

Hymn of today's mass that never fails to move me in some ways and a reminder to call upon the Lord every moment:

"Lead me Lord, lead me lord, by the light of truth.
To seek and to find the narrow way. 
Be my way, be my truth, be my life, my Lord, 
and lead me Lord today."

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Lenten reflection/journey | 2013

(warning: It's going to be long)

Just wish to document my 40days of lenten journey as wholly as possible, in case one day I suffer from dementia. lol

Ash Wednesday - readings of the day has become the motto of my Lenten journey. =D
Joel 2:12-13 
"...come back to me with all your heart, fasting, weeping, mourning. Let your hearts be broken, not your garments torn, turn to the Lord your God again, for he is all tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness and ready to relent."

Gospel Acclamation:
A pure heart create for me O God, and give me again the joy of your help.

1st Sun of Lent - Temptations of Jesus in desert
Temptations as part & parcel of Christian life, constant testing and trials -> Refiner's fire. For the 3 temptations Jesus experienced, I asked to practice the following:
- Practice Charity & kindness
- Practice temperance & modesty in our homes & workplaces
- Practice humility & patience to let the divine plan unfold in God's time

2nd Sun of Lent - The Transfiguration
Spiritual experiences (the coming down from the "mountain") sustains us in our discipleship. We need to go up to our "mountains"/seek our mountains (Sr Jess). And to also constantly remind ourselves of these mountaintop experiences - of God's loving presence in our lives (Br John). 

3rd Sun of Lent - The Fig Tree
God always gives a second chance. A second chance for us to bear fruit. We are called to examine our Christian lives, to contemplate our future with God & renew our commitment to reconcile our wounded relationship with God who loves us beyond measure. 

4th Sun of Lent - The Prodigal Son
Identifying myself with the 2 sons.
The prodigal :-
- God gave me His abundant blessings and graces but at times I "squandered" them away and taken them for granted. At times, thinking that I'm in control and can do without Him for a while, doing things my own way. Ended up wounded, despairing and spiritually dry (famine/hunger). But when I return to Him, he's all so loving and forgiving.

The elder son/bro:-
- Injustice and feeling sore while "slogging" to do His works and ploughing His fields while others just stand at the side to watch, comment or wait for harvest.
- Feeling unappreciated for the service/hardwork rendered to loved ones and friends. 
Yet, it is true that God was / is never unfair/stingy with His blessings and graces upon me. I'm just picking on the bones. 

5th Sun of Lent - The Adulterous Woman
All of us are struggling with sin. We are in a way all trapped (in our own "cages"). The Church is meant to enable us to choose the ultimate Good - which is God. "I'm an adult now, and I have the power to choose what is good for me, in thoughts, words and deeds" (Fr Richard Ambrose, penitential service). The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. Amen.

Maundy Thursday
1st reading - The Passover
As I closed my eyes and listened to the words being proclaimed, I imagined myself being washed (splattered) in the Blood of the Lamb, all red. But I'm saved because of this great sacrifice, done out of love. As the responsorial psalm proclaims, "How can I repay the goodness of the Lord?"

The Institution of the Eucharist in John 13:1-15 - Body and Blood of Christ
As the priest shared, the meaning of the Eucharist is in the breaking and sharing. We, after receiving the body and blood of Christ, have become Christ (as He dwells in us) and are called to be broken and shared with others. To love another, to wash one another's feet. 

Good Friday
Watching the movie Passion of Christ for the second time gave me new insights/experiences. Nevertheless, big droplets of tears were shed during the various hallmark scenes. More interestingly, I was able to feel the pain of betrayal that Jesus felt (even though He knew/expected it) and also the shock experienced by Malchus when Jesus healed and restored his cut ears. It's beyond human imagination of the immensity of Christ's divine love for us, when we sinned against him, get hurt in the process, and yet he lovingly heals and restores. 

Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday
A different experience for me as this is the first time that I became a godparent of a 18-year old Indonesian boy. As last minute as it may be to be asked to be a godfather, I still managed to steal some time to try and get to know my godson better. So the first "test" for me was having to squeeze in a pew with 6 seated adults for 3-hours for the entire mass. This was because one of the godparents conveniently brought along her spouse to sit together. However uncomfortable and displeased I was, I choose to do the opposite and learn from Christ to give up of my pride and comfort. So I leaned forward for the entire mass so that the ones sitting beside me don't feel as squashed. But being human, I still can't help to want to make that "extra" person feel bad for landing me in that plight. More often than not, we said we want to rise to new life with Christ on this Easter. Yes, perhaps some parts of us, subconsciously or insignificantly. Coz we tend to look at our faults and failures more readily than our little triumphs. This time round, I felt that I'm still stuck at the "carrying cross and falling down" stage. The road to Calvary and the final crucifixion are still some distant away. The passion is still in the process. 

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within Thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from thee.
From the malignant enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me.
And bid me come unto Thee,
That with all Thy saints,
I may praise thee
Forever and ever.

(Disclaimer: Some of the reflections are extracts from the Lent 2013 reflection booklet.) 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Time of the year again for...NY resolutions...

Last year 2012, scored a 67% (aka accomplished 6 out of 9 resolutions set)
And "bonuses" including the following:-
- Kick-started volunteering at the Gift of Love Home (though now dying off again..:S)
- started my counselling sessions at St Iggy
- started journeying at RCIY. 

2013...what lies ahead for me? 

Besides focusing and planning for wedding & marriage prep, what else should I / can I aspire to do?

-Learn to 包粽子from Mum
- My exercise regime of once a week - need to set a rhythm
- Wishing for my 1st NS reservist to be filled with blessings *fingers crossed*
- Yg Adults at SFA --> New programs, get new people
- Climb Mt Kinabalu!! (so far managed to find Alvin. Yay.)
- A few short weekend getaways. No long holidays. 
- Able to pull through / manage the construction of the NTU hostel 
- To fulfill some of the new initiatives which I hope can put in place in office. 
- Find a clearer discerned purpose teach?...or to do missionary work?
- Find out more about what it's like to uproot & do missionary work. Talk to Willy & Sarah's cousin
- Discerning and finding clearer focus/direction in Yg Adults/choir/others
- my personal growth and reach another milestone/cross another hurdle of my own personal struggles.

Ok..list quite long already. STOP.