Saturday, January 24, 2009

pre cny buzz

pooff!!...lunar new year is than 48hrs away.
A new year where people need to humble themselves
and to spend wisely and indulge less.
A year where I'm graduating at times are at its worst
to work or to wait first while i take a little break?
Major decision to discern.

Huffing and puffing for the past few weeks
Survived the studio sessions and all thanks to H.S.
Inspiring me and giving me ideas for my thesis
If not i'd be suffering from panic attack.
Struggling with finances but surviving month by month
Saving in every way possible for the trip
Comforted and reassured that He will guide the way
Voucher flops and disappointing experience,
balanced with couple of blessings in disguise.
Now the festive season nearing,
what can beat having a flu and phlegm-clogged windpipe?!
On the road to recovery,
just hoping to be able to enjoy the great food and goodies.
Reunion dinner back in Melaka @ 外婆 place,
been more than a decade since we last go back for reunion.

More expectations and work for thesis, church.
Just hoping that i'm readily armoured and strengthened for the next few months.
Looking fwd to quality time spent with loved one, to my dream grad trip...
and thank You for sending another 2 person to join us in the trip
when we least expected it.

I'm on my way...
Needing to trust and believe...

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's the 5th day of new year my true love gave to me...

Woohoo! Chinese New Year approaching in less than 20days.
And tonight is screening the last episode of Little Nonya!!
The start of 2009 is sure adrenaline pumping...
Thankfully i managed to book myself a quiet afternoon
to have a mini personal retreat at the peaceful haven in SMOTA.

Drafted out a list of things I want to pray for in 2009. (more like wish list)
And also setting out some "resolutions" i ought to meet.
Will share a bit here on my prayer list.
If you wanna pray for me, you're most welcome! =)

- Discern for a good career path
- Discern to start work in Sept 09 or Jan 2010.
- A successful and memorable Europe Trip in May/Jun
- Get a new camera
- My baby - Yamaha P80 @ $899++
- Thesis Project. Striving for B+/A- and if possible, my first ever "A".
- School - Life Balance
- Youth Ministry
- Choir
- Family (Dad, mum, Sisters)
- Moli

- Improve my design skills
- Continue to humble myself
- Learn to affirm, love selflessly and less judgmental
- For those i've hurt, may they be healed and I be forgiven
- See beyond materialism and rejoice in what i've been blessed with
- Able to spend time with friends and be their shelter when needed
- Control my temptation to sin, lust, indulge in dark/evil thoughts and acts
- Adopt a morning prayer/quiet time habit daily.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and Reviewing...

What i've set out in Jan 08:
It's one of my last chance to do an "A" design project. (Yay, I did it!)

Hope that I can embark on a good dissertation project in the later half of the year. (I did it too! Praise God!)

Hope I can find a good part-time job whilst pursuing my studies. (Very blessed indeed to find a tuition job at a tuition centre and a teaching assistant job for AR1221. These help to cope with my expenses and sustain my savings for Europe. Thank you Lord!)

/ Be able to fulfill my commitments in Youth Ministry, the choir and music ministry in CSS and to do a good job too. (Hmm..din really do this very well. Sort of disappeared from MM coz of clashes with my tuition. The first two really taken a lot of my energy.)

Wish that the Easter Play will eventually be realized (Did not happened but instead, sang for the Easter Vigil. A good experience still.)

To increase my knowledge and skills in music (Thank God and praise God! I've managed to play and figure out chords and play a song properly on the keyboard. And actually played the Resp Psalm at a Mass while Moli sang.)

To be more forgiving, less selfish, more readily to express and show my love to people around me. (Didn't do this too well though but have learnt to be more patient and at the same time forgiving.)

Other things to give thanks:
- For giving me a chance to love and be loved again, truly and increasingly. =)
- For being able to be part of Archi City Ex08.
- For blessing my family financially esp in times of recession. Now my school fees is somewhat paid for. Praise God!
- For the wonderful opportunity to go for YEP at Vietnam and build a library with our bare hands.
- For allowing me to be able to provide a shelter for friends when they needed
- For giving me a sudden surprise of a Barcelona trip to take part in the World Architecture Festival. Can't be any more grateful than these. (Even if the thesis journey is going to be tough under Tsuto)
- For the wonderful musical "It's my life!"
- For all the little blessings and little escapades to chill out and marvel in His creation.
- the list can go on, but these are what's off my head for now. Will add on if it strikes me later.